Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jom minum susu!!!

Hi! This time we will see the advantage of drinking milk!huhu. I am sure not all of us like to drink milk but please read this and try to be positif abot milk..

We have all started our lives with milk - yes our mother's milk. From then on we have always been guided to drink at least a glass of milk a day, by our elders. But most of us shun the idea of drinking milk only
 because it seems childish or you are too conscious of gaining weight! There are even people who depend on supplements that provide vitamins and calcium required by our body to function properly that drinking milk provides, because they don't or won't drink milk. Here are 10 good reasons to drink milk regularly.

1. Avoid osteoporosis, hypertension and colon cancer. These are a few Benefits from drinking milk you won't get by popping a vitamin or calcium supplement.

2. Drinking milk can also protect you from tooth decays and cavity problems. You can convince your child about this by offering him/her a glass of chocolate milk. Don't worry; there are no records of tooth decay because of drinking milk with a chocolate flavor.

3. Milk does not contribute any fat and so you need not worry about those extra pounds! On the contrary it has been proved that people who drink milk regularly stay slim more than those who don't. Milk gives you many natural vitamins and minerals keeping you healthy and fit.

4. Milk is a very good antacid! Drinking a glass of milk when you experience heartburn can calm your food pipe from inflammation. Drinking milk regularly will prevent heartburn and other gastric problems.

5. For strong bones, teeth, nails and good hair, drink a lot of milk as it is loaded with calcium that helps your body grow strong and flexible.

6. Milk can be a good appetizer, especially when you are dining late. Drinking milk can also act as a stimulant, early morning or even during noon.

7. Drinking a hot glass of milk before bedtime can soothe your nerves and relax your tense muscles putting you off to sleep immediately. This can be really helpful after a tiresome and strenuous day at office.

8. Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking milk on a few occasion3 instead of water. This can cool you body as well as maintain the water/fluid level in the body. Milk consumption after a heavy workout can replenish the body system with the fluid lost while performing the exercises.

9. Milk can also drastically reduce PMS symptoms (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) as it is a great stress reliever and also boosts the energy level in us.

10. Milk is full of nutrients that our body requires to operate properly. It contains vitamins (for red blood cells), calcium (for strong bones), carbohydrates (for energy), magnesium (for supple muscles), phosphorus (for utilizing the energy), potassium (for a good nervous system), protein (for growth and healing processes), riboflavin (for a healthy and glowing skin) and zinc (to boost the immune system).

Consuming milk during pregnancy and while nursing a newborn can help in improving the calcium content. Women can reap many benefits from drinking milk, especially during menopause, for strong bones and a healthy body. You can add milk to your diet in the form of milkshakes, cornflakes, and cocktails with chocolates, hazelnut syrups and replacing water with milk in recipes. However, people who are allergic to milk contents like lactose have to depend on supplements or other sources of calcium and vitamin to balance their diet.

So, lets drink milk!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Healthy recipes: Broccoli Salad

Hello again. This is time, I am so exited to share about a simple recipe. What important is, this meal is healthy and I am sure that all of us will enjoy making and eating it. Selamat mencuba!

1-2 heads broccoli
1/2 cup chopped red onion
6-8 slices bacon
1 cup shredded cheese

1 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup sugar

Fry bacon until crispy, drain grease and set aside.
Cut up broccoli flowerettes into bite-sized pieces, leaving just a little stem. Cut up enough for about 4 cups of flowerettes.
Add onion, cheese and dressing.
Refrigerate 2-3 hours or overnight.
Crumble bacon into bits, add to bowl and toss salad just before serving.

I made this broccoli salad with a few extra ingredients: celery, olives, and sunflower seeds. Yummy!

Eat for health

All Healthy Food Recipes shows you the ways, methods and how to cook and eat in a way that promotes good health.  It is not about food fads or crash diets, but about a wise, long-term pattern of enjoying eating.  The all healthy food recipes prepared here do not involve giving up good food and are designed to create a wide selection of dishes that you would choose to eat, and all the more readily because they observe the rules for a healthy diet - Eating For Health and Pleasure.  In the creation, testing and selection of healthy recipes for this website, all the nutritional targets and guidelines have been borne in mind and they are elegant yet simple to produce.
A good healthy diet should supply just enough nutrients for growth, repairs and chemical processes, and give ample energy for daily tasks.  Knowing what to cook for is crucial in checking whether your diet is healthy.  Equally crucial is knowing what you are eating, so in most of the recipes, there is a chart with each recipe to show what nutrients a single serving contains.  When you choose a recipe, be sure to read all the ingredients and instructions before you start making it.  You may need to soak beans or prepare a stock or tomato sauce in advance.  Where ingredients are given in spoonfuls, they have been measured with standard measuring spoons.  You should use a level spoonful when this is listed; a rounded spoonful can be twice as much as a level spoonful and would affect the taste if the ingredient is ginger or basil, for example, and the consistency if the ingredient is flour for thickening a sauce.  Some of the recipes are very quick to prepare, some take longer, and some require a little preparation the day before.
Choosing and preparing meals is worthy of thought, planning and effort.  Do not gobble or eat on the run; make a meal an occasion even if it is at an office desk.  Devote time to it, eat slowly and relish your meal.  Food is not a weakness, a fad, an obsession or a sin, but one of life's necessities and one of its most enduring pleasures

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Healthy food for students: ask the experts

Hello everyone! This time i would like to share about healthy food for students. Did you know that food is an important factors that influence students' academic performance? Research shows that most of students who take healthy food daily can perform better in academic. Here are some guideline for mother as person who prepare the food, and for students as well. Lets check it out!

An evening with Dr. Sharifah Wajihah Wafa, Nutritious.

Me: Doc, I am student at UiTM Shah alam. I stay at hostel and did not like to have meal on evening. I also wake up late in the morning that keep me skip my breakfast. Do you have any ideas for any snack meals item for me?

Dr.Wafa: Actually, there are many of 'reddy-made meals' available in supermarket and these can be basis of some healthy snacks for you. When shopping for these, the best way is to compare similar products and choose those contains more vegetables and are lowest in saturated fat, sugar and sodium. These are some example:

  • canned salmon or tuna

  • dehidrated or canned vegetables

  • canned mix beans

  • nuts and seeds

  • cereals and food bars

Me: Oh, that will be so easy to get. I will make sure that time are not going to be an excuse to have a healthy meal.

Dr.Wafa: Yes, it is sure!

As conclusion, there are many foods that easy to get from supermarket are simple yet healthy to students.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Schools in Malaysia should change..

I have a sister who is still studying in a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur. If you were see the number of suggestion slips stuffed into the school's Suggestion Box, you would be shocked. Granted, some of the suggestions are rubbish but I do agree with many of them. There are many ways in which the school could be improved, many weeknesses that need seeing to.

Firstly, and most importantly, teachers in all schools should realise that they are responsible for their students' future. This is especially true for children from less affluent homes who cannot afford to suppliment the school's teaching with extra tution. Teaches should not shirk their responsibilities towards their students.

I am emphasising this point because some teachers do not seem to feel the slightest obligation to do their job well nor the slightest feeling of guilt when their students fail in the examinations. In fact, in some schools, teachers are sometimes found sipping coffee or even having a snack in the school canteen when they are supposed to be in class teaching.

Of course, there are teachers who are truly commited to their job and do deliver the goods. They stay up late into the night to finish correcting their students' work and to prepare effective lessons for their students. Some teachers will even devote Saturday mornings to conducting extra-curricular activities, such as the Scouts movement. Now, if only all teachers were like this!

Furthermore, wouldn't the school be a much better place to spend our adolescence if we did not have a cope with teachers who vent their foul moods on us? As students, we should not have to walk on eggshells because teachers has had a bad day.

On the other hand, punishments for serious acts of indiscipline should be made more effective, even if they have to be harsher. These days, students may get away with only a warning or a "booking" for offences such as breaking the school's tables, chairs and even doors. I strongly feel that these vandals should be made to pay for what they have destroyed.

These are just some of what changes should be made to the schools in Malaysia. However, may Malaysian Education blooming nicely day by day, year by year..